There is around 50.000 street children in Sierra Leone. Some little girls are forced to prostitution when they are as young as 10 years old. Almost all street girls are already prostitutes when they reach the age of 13. They have to have sexual intercourse with at least 5 men per night in order to survive. They are paid as little as $1-2. Many times, they are raped, drugged, beaten and the men steal the money they earned during that evening.
The prostitution in Sierra Leone is a vicious circle which is impossible to leave unless the girl finds a benefactor, who is willing to help her.
Therefore, we give the girls a second chance in life! In our programme, they get a home away from their normal environment. Currently, we have 7 girls between 18-23 years old in the programme. Some of them have been with us for 4 years and the transformation is incredible. The girls who before lived without joy and hope have regained the joy of life back. Such as Mariamma who, only after 4 months in the programme, had been elected the “Most Promising Youth” in the local community. From deeply unhappy and abused girl, she became a confident young women, who is singing in a choir in her church.