Providing relief to vulnerable children, street girls and the disabled in Sierra Leone


Sierra Leone is a relatively small country, with approximately 6.5 million inhabitants. Although the country is abundant in natural resources such as diamonds, gold, bauxite or titanium, on the human development index it is ranked as one of the poorest countries in the world with the lowest quality of life. More than 70% of the population lives in poverty on less than $1.25 per day. The country gained its independence in 1961 after approximately 150 years of British colonial rule, however, many inequalities and tensions rooted from the colonial governance exist today. Additionally, the country went through a decade-long, civil war between 1991- 2002, and experienced total social and economic collapse. Although the war ended 14 years ago, Sierra Leone is still trapped in post-conflict human security problems such as high unemployment, corruption, and extreme poverty.

We provide provide holistic, socio-economic empowerment to the most vulnerable people in Sierra Leone with the ultimate goal to end the stigma and create role models in the communities of Freetown, Sierra Leone.