Providing relief to vulnerable children, street girls and the disabled in Sierra Leone

Articles of association

Articles of association – Brighter Horizons

Herning, the 28/06/2017

§ 1 Name and residency

Stk. 1. The name of the organization is: Brighter Horizons

Stk. 2. The organizations’ legal residence: Videbæks Allé 141, 8800 Viborg

§ 2 Purpose of the organization

Stk. 1. The purpose of the organization is to help weak and exposed groups in Sierra Leone, Western Africa.

  • To improve women’s status in the Sierra Leonean society.
  • To work for the status and possibilities of the handicapped people
  • To support especially talented children coming from poor life circumstances, through education
  • To give young and vulnerable girls and women free education
  • To bring love and safety into the lives of the most vulnerable people
  • To test sex-workers for HIV and other STD’s and get them into treatement

Brighter Horizons is a politically independent nonprofit humanitarian organization.

§ 3 Membership and contingent

Stk. 1. As members the organization welcomes individuals, organizations, institutions, and companies that acknowledge the purpose of the organization.

Stk. 2. The membership contingent is determined for one year periods at the General Assembly.

Stk. 3. Contingent is continuously charged as members enter the organization.

§ 4 General Assembly

Stk. 1. The General Assembly is the highest authority in the organization.

Stk. 2. Ordinary General Assembly is held every year in April at the latest. The board is called in by email at least two weeks before the General Assembly is taking place.

Stk. 3. Suggestions for the organization should be given to the Chairman no less than eight days before the General Assembly is taking place.

Stk. 4. The General Assembly determines cases by majority of votes. All members that are not in arrears have a vote at the General Assembly. Voting by power of attorney is not allowed.

Stk. 5. The agenda of the ordinary General Assembly should at the minimum contain the following items:

  1. Election of conductor.
  2. Chairman’s report.
  3. Submission and approval of financial statements.
  4. Submission of following years’ budget.
  5. Determination of contingent.
  6. Incoming proposals and presentations of following years’ activities.
  7. Election of board, chairman and cashier, and election of alternates.
  8. Election of accountant(s) and accountant alternate.
  9. Possibly an establishment of committees.
  10. AOB.

§ 5 Daily management of the organization

Stk. 1. The daily management is constituted by the board of directors that has up to 6 members. These members have been chosen at the General Assembly, to sit for a 2 year period.

Stk. 2. The chairman and cashier as well as up to 4 board members are chosen every other year (uneven years) at the General Assembly. Alternates for the chairman and cashier are elected as well.

Stk. 3. The board is managing the organization in line with current articles of association as well as decisions made on the General Assembly.

Stk. 4. The board is determining the general guidelines for the organization.

Stk. 5. The board is determining the organization’s rules of procedure.

Stk. 6. The board has the authority to subscribe and unsubscribe the organization as voluntarily VAT registered.

Stk. 7. There must be no more than 8 months between two board meetings.

Stk. 8. The board can only make decisions when at least half of the members are at present.

Stk. 9. The chairman leads the negotiations of the board. In the case of resignation of the chairman, the vice chairman has authority.

Stk. 10. The chairman makes sure that there is kept protocol over the negotiations and decisions of the board.

§ 6 Financial accounting and revision

Stk. 1. The financial assets of the organization should be placed in a recognized bank.

Stk. 2. The financial year is from the 1st of January till the 31st of December.

Stk. 3. The certified financial accounting is published 8 days before the General Assembly.

Stk. 4. The financial accounting is to be signed by all members of the board.

§ 7 Power to bind

Stk. 1. The organization is signed jointly by the chairman and cashier. In case of resignation of either of these, the remaining part will sign jointly with two board members.

§ 8 Liability

Stk. 1. The board members are not personally liable for the grants and debts of the organization.

§ 9 Amendment of the Statutes

Stk. 1. Amendments of the Statutes can be made on any General Assembly, when at least 2 out of 3 of votes are in favor of the proposal.

§ 10 Dissolution

Stk. 1. Dissolution of the organization can only happen with a 2/3 majority of votes at two consecutive General Assemblies, one of which has to be an ordinary Assembly.

Stk. 2. Should there be any financial assets left at dissolution of the organization they will go to the two houses for the handicapped and ex prostitutes in Sierra Leone.

Approved at the founding meeting the 28/06/2017, with the following board:

Chairman: Erik Rasmussen

Vice Chairman: Zora Saskova

Cashier: Christian Gregart

Board members:

Christian Hedegaard

Diana Rune

Henrik Hansen

Jesper Bloksgaard

Sille Rasmussen